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Enforcement Process for Un-shoveled Sidewalk Complaints

To file a complaint about an un-shoveled sidewalk, please see the topic entitled "Report an Un-shoveled Sidewalk".

An overview of the process for handling an un-shoveled sidewalk complaint is outlined below:

The Department of Housing and Community Affairs receives a complaint about an un-shoveled residential sidewalk.

Property and complaint history are verified within the departmental database.

A letter is sent to the address provided by the complainant. The letter is informational and outlines the legal requirements for removing snow and ice from walkways in front of residential properties. For residential properties that have been sent warning letters in the past, an inspector will be assigned for any subsequent complaints at a specific address. If the property owner or occupant has previously been sent a warning letter and is found to be in violation, the inspector may issue a Civil Citation.

For commercial or multi-family property complaints about an un-shoveled sidewalk, an inspector is sent to the property address and if the property is found to be in violation, a Notice of Violation is issued. If the violation is not corrected within 24 hours, the inspector may issue a citation to the property owner or occupant.

To speak with a Customer Service Representative, please call 311 during business hours.

Last Updated: 10/26/2015 13:46:57