To obtain information on County homeless services and shelter resources, information about homeless programs in the county or to report the location of an individual or individuals experiencing homelessness, or situations where encampment issues are reported, (handled by the Homeless Outreach Team), call 240.907.2688, or email at:
[email protected]. The telephone line is open 24/7. Note, this is not an emergency response line. Individuals should contact the Crisis Center if they are experiencing an immediate crisis to hold for a representative. Other emergencies should be reported to 911.
Homeless Families (adults with minor children) can access services at the following offices, which are open Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Families with minor children are seen on a first come first served basis. Anyone seeking services can call before going in. 8818 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, MD. 20910
Rockville Office
1301 Piccard Drive, 2nd floor
Rockville, MD. 20850
Germantown Office
12900 Middlebrook Road
Germantown, MD. 20874. The phone number for all offices is: 240.777.4550
Homeless single adults can access shelter by contacting the Montgomery County Crisis Center, 240.777.4000.
Anyone reporting a street homelessness concern or need, may be referred to connect to Case Management services.