The MPDU office only reviews applications successfully submitted. Applicants receive an email confirmation indicating the time frame on when their application will be reviewed. The MPDU department may take up to 30 days for this process.
If a submitted application is not complete, the applicant will receive an e-mail indicating which documents were missing with instructions to go the MPDU Portal to upload them. Every time a document is uploaded a message at the top of the page will indicate that document is successfully uploaded. The reviewing time frame changes to 30 days or more if the application is not submitted correctly.
Applicants are discouraged from calling the MPDU office requesting status of their application when application is less than 30 days outstanding or if applicant recently uploaded a missing document.
Refer to the link below and go to 'DHCA Review of Applications' for more information about the application reviewing process or if you received an email from the MPDU office requesting additional documentation and do not know how to get back to the MPDU portal. Only renewing applicants may find information about status of their certificate by accessing Link # 2 below. They must have their 5-digit certificate number.
Note: Applicants that are approved, after their application is reviewed, will receive an email confirmation indicating that their MPDU Certificate of Eligibility is being mailed to the address on file. If the application is denied, applicants will receive a denial letter. If an applicant wishes to contest the decision due to changes on their household and/or income - the applicant must restart the application process by submitting a NEW application.