The Licensing and Registration unit of the Department of Housing and Community Affairs licenses condominium, single family and multifamily rental units. Rental licenses are required prior to advertising a property for rent or renting a unit to a tenant. To apply for a rental license, the property owner must complete a Rental Facility License Application, pay all license fees, submit all necessary documents (e.g. lead paint certificate) and comply with all rental license requirements. It takes approximately 10 business days to process a rental license application once the completed application, payment and supporting documents are received. Once a property owner is licensed, the Department automatically generates a renewal notice each year. The license fee year runs from each July 1st through the following June 30th. The online application and additional information can be found at the link below.
Online users who have additional questions that require the expertise of a staff member, please see the topic entitled "Request to Speak with a Licensing and Registration Specialist".