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Hands Only CPR and AED Laws

The Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service is launching a new safety initiative to train bystanders in the basics of Hands-only CPR and AED awareness. Hands-only CPR involves two easy steps and is a technique that involves chest compressions without artificial respiration (mouth-to-mouth). Studies indicate that Hands-only CPR performed immediately, increases a cardiac arrest victim's chance of survival. Training provided by MCFRS instructs participants to call 911 and focus on their hand placement, tempo and the number of compressions for CPR until first responders arrive on the scene. These classes are on the basics of hands-only CPR and AED awareness.

Important: Hands Only CPR training does not provide participants with certification in CPR, a certification card or recertification and does not meet certification requirements for healthcare workers. Available in English and Spanish. The program is free.

For further information, call Lt. Irvin Smith at 240-224-2886 or send an email to: [email protected].

Maryland law requires that certain businesses have automated external defibrillators (AEDs) on-site, and that the AEDs are properly maintained and accessible. The law also requires that individuals who operate the AEDs are trained and certified

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Last Updated: 01/21/2025 15:13:57