Election Judges work for the Board of Elections (BOE) and are responsible for managing the polls on Election Day and during Early Voting. For a list of the duties of the various kinds of Election Judges, please consult the BOE website, click on the "Election Judge," then in dropdown choose "Position Description" tab
Interested Election Judge candidates should go to the BOE website (link below), you can review the Election Judge Program and select Election Workers, EJ Connection, then new Applicants, to apply online.
The polls are open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM; Election Judges are required to be at the polling site at 6:00 AM and are dismissed by the Chief Judge when the polls are closed, and all of the equipment and supplies are neatly packed. Part-time positions are also available.
For questions, contact the Board at: 240.777.8533.