See links below for complete information about tax lien sale including a definition of the sale; notification bills; sale time frame; sale results and advertisement fees.
The Montgomery County tax sale program enables the County to collect all unpaid and delinquent property taxes as required by statute, by selling liens on the property to a buyer who may then pursue the collection of monies owed.
Tax Lien Sale notification bills are mailed by US mail in April of every year, to the current owner of record. The bill shows the amount that is due depending on which month (April, May, June) the payment is made. The notice also advises the taxpayer of the consequence if the bill remains unpaid (i.e., a tax lien for the property will be sold at the tax lien sale held the second Monday in June). Tax lien sales are listed for four consecutive weeks preceding the tax lien sale in the Washington Post newspaper and are subject to a $50 advertising fee. The tax lien sale is held every year on the second Monday in June at 27 Courthouse Square, Suite 200, Rockville, Maryland 20850.
Create a service request to obtain payoff amount and lien holder information, from the Finance office. Online users should click the "Create Service Request" button below. Please provide the requestor's name, phone number, email address, and a brief description of the request.
For additional information, homeowners involved in tax sale or those needing assistance to pay their taxes may obtain help navigating the tax sale system, by contacting the State Ombudsman Office at: 833.732.8411 by phone, or email: [email protected]. see third link.
For information on payment and redemption, search for Tax Payment Due Dates and Tax Payment Methods, and Redeem Property from Tax Lien.