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Applying or Recertifying for the Rental Assistance Program within the Department of Health and Human Services

The County Rental Assistance Program (RAP) is a Montgomery County funded program to help low-income households meet their monthly ongoing rental expenses. A referral can be submitted if the head of household is currently working with a case manager such as: Emergency Shelter Case Manager, MoCo Diversion Worker, MoCo Housing Stabilization Worker, Rapid Rehousing Program Case Manager, or Outreach Worker. Referrals can only be submitted by those workers, and the referral should be submitted to [email protected]. The RAP waitlist is permanently discontinued, and as of July 1, 2021 there is new eligibility criteria as follows: a person must have a documented disability or be age 55 years of older; and, applicant must be experiencing homelessness or in imminent threat of homelessness.

Eligible customers can receive from $100 up to $503 per month towards their rental costs.

For those who are recertifying for the program and/or need to submit documentation, email to: [email protected] or, place in drop box found in lobby (north side) of 1301 Piccard Drive, Rockville, MD. 20850. Documentation can also be faxed to: 240.777.4099.

Online users who have additional questions, or for those who are currently receiving RAP "Create Service Request" button below. Please provide the requestor's name, phone number, email address, and a brief description of the request.

Find more information from the following link(s):

Last Updated: 01/29/2024 16:02:20