All sheds require a building permit. In order to apply for a shed permit please use Online Services to apply for a Permit Type "Shed".
A building permit is required to install, move or construct any shed in Montgomery County. A Zoning review for the proposed location of the shed is required. A Site Plan showing the proposed location of the shed must be submitted electronically.
A one-story shed, with a floor area of 200-square-feet or more will require a structural review. In addition to the Site Plan, sheds greater than 200 square feet require a set of construction plans, drawn to scale (min 1/4" to 1"), designed to the 2018 International Residential Code (IRC).
After a shed is installed, a final inspection to verify the proper location and anchorage is required. After March 31, 2025 submissions must be designed to the 2021 International Residential Code (IRC).